Early Frost

Closeup Render

Closeup Render

Progress Video



Clay Render

Clay Render

Personal work, based on this artwork https://www.deviantart.com/alexpahomov/art/Early-Frost-2-Electric-Boogaloo-973879139 by Alex Pahomov
I took the chance to try a bunch of "weird" techniques I wouldn't normally try. The scene is not the most organized, but I have no intention of using this from different angles, and I had to be efficient with my time.
I tried the new hair system in blender. It was intimidating at first, but I picked it up real quick. I really like the modularity, and it also fixed many quirks I had to work around in the past, such as clamping, weird density...etc being dependent on the curve guide placement.

August 25, 2023